"Knowing Christ to make Him known"

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation"
-Mark 16:15

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Rainbow Welcome

We left Prince Albert yesterday morning and met Father Mark at his church in La Ronge. The soccer team arrived shortly after having driven all the way from Edmonton. The soccer team is made up of four young men named Andreas, James, Dan, and Stephen. They travel into communities with LAMP VBS to work with the older kids of each community. We traveled to LAMP lake to leave our cars and connect our trailor to Father Marks car.

As the parents unloaded, the kids took a "barefoot trail" with "Barefoot Mick" who believes in the health benefits of walking everywhere barefoot. We spent some time in the water and then hopped in the cars for the last stretch. Along the rainy drive, we saw sheep, deer, fox, and a beautiful rainbow that welcomed us just before we entered Southend! That was the biggest, brightest rainbow that Father Mark had ever seen and he reminded us over the walkie talkie that the rainbow is the symbol of the first covenant between God and man. When we arrived in Southend, we were also welcomed by excited kids waiting to see us!

                                                          ~Amanda and Angela

"I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant  between Me and the earth"  Genesis 9:13

Father Mark and the mission team kids at the Churchill River

Learning about the benefits of being barefoot by Barefoot Mick!


  1. What an awesome welcome for all of you! God bless your week of VBS!

  2. Praying for God's miracles to abound for Southend and Messiah participants.

  3. What a great picture of the rainbow. Well besidse being barefoot for health reasons it might save some back to school money :-). Have a wonderful day sharing God's love and joy.
