"Knowing Christ to make Him known"

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation"
-Mark 16:15

Monday, July 16, 2012

Back to Canada 'Eh?

Yes we are at it again! We are going back to Southend, Saskatchewan for Messiahs 3rd year teaching VBS to the youth of the community. This year, the team will be 17 members. The team includes:
  • Brian, Sandy, and Kate (14) Doyle -3rd year to Southend
  • Vernice, Dominique (14), and Angela (12) Dabu -3rd year
  • Gwen, Celia (14) and Luke (10) Veldhuis-Kroeze -2nd year
  • Barb Durst-2nd year
  • Dave, Kristin, Amanda (13), Rachel (12), and Caleb (10) Scott -1st year
  • Molly, and Ben (11) Cochran -1st year

Follow our blog as we continue to spread the word this summer!

- Dominique and Angela Dabu

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, once again, for putting this blog together, Dominique and Angela. It's wonderful!! The Doyles can't wait to travel north with you!
